Help Families: Enact the Federal ECCA
Lawmakers in 36 states have enacted various forms of assistance for tuition-paying families to help those families enroll their children in the most appropriate elementary or secondary school.
Connecticut is not one of those states.
In the coming weeks, however, Congress will be in the unique position to help tuition-paying families across the country – including here in Connecticut- through the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA).
The ECCA facilitates K-12 scholarships for up to two million students across America to attend schools that best meet their educational needs as determined by their parents. Under this bill, $10 billion in federal tax credits would be available for individuals and businesses that contribute to non-profit scholarship-granting organizations.
We need your help in urging Congress to pass this unique opportunity. Please take a moment to click on the button below to read more about the ECCA and to send your U.S. Senators and Representative an email encouraging them to support the ECCA.