January 2025 Newsletter - Action Alerts
The 2025-2026 Connecticut Legislative session has begun with the introduction of several pieces of legislation that require your immediate attention. These issues are central to our teachings, the preservation of life and strengthening of our families through educational opportunities. Also, please take note of the federal legislation referenced below. TAKE ACTION NOW: PROTECT GIRLS’ SPACES & SPORTSProposed Bill H.B. No. 5352 'AN ACT PROHIBITING STUDENTS WHO ARE BIOLOGICAL MALES FROM COMPETING ON FEMALE-ONLY ATHLETIC TEAMS AND USING FEMALE-ONLY LOCKER ROOMS AND FACILITIES', has been referred to the Education Committee. This legislation will restore the rights of our girls and women in scholastic sports. This law is needed to make it clear that sports must be reserved for specific genders and not a dangerous experiment for an ideology against natural law and Constitutional rights. Federal LegislationCall Sens. Blumenthal & Murphy to Protect Young Women in SportsThe U.S. House of Representative Tuesday passed legislation that would strengthen protections for young women participating in scholastic sports. The legislation, House Resolution 28, would “amend the Education Amendments of 1972 to provide that for purposes of determining compliance with Title IX in the section on athletics, sex shall be recognized based solely on a person's reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” TAKE ACTION NOW: Protect Minors from Unproven Life-Altering Medical Treatments and Surgeries.Proposed Bill H.B. No. 5370, 'AN ACT PROHIBITING CERTAIN TREATMENT PRACTICES AND PROMOTING PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR MINORS EXPERIENCING GENDER DYSPHORIA OR INCONGRUENCE,' has been referred to the Public Health Committee. This legislation will prohibit health care providers from 1) prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and 2) prohibit surgeries on minors related to gender-dysphoria. The bill promotes more mental health treatment for these minors. TAKE ACTION NOW: Strengthen Catholic Schools:In order to build stronger scholarship foundations that can fund more Connecticut students to attend nonpublic schools, State Sen. Fazio proposed S.B.122, which encourages charitable giving by allowing tax credits for donations to scholarship granting organizations. Planned Parenthood’s 2025 Goals:Unsurprisingly this legislative session, Connecticut politicians and Planned Parenthood will continue their cycle of funding and campaign promises. According to its political action website "Planned Parenthood Votes," the abortion giant has its eye on increased state Medicaid reimbursement rates for abortions and increased access for minors and all immigrants.
December 2024 Newsletter
The Votes are In - What Lies Ahead and the 2025 Connecticut Legislative Session by Christopher Healy, Executive DirectorThe 2024 Election provided few changes in the makeup of the Connecticut General Assembly. Democrats gained three seats in the state House and one in the State Senate. Democrats will hold a 102-49 advantage in the House and 26-11 edge in the Senate. Are you a Catholic wondering what the Catholic Church actually teaches about immigration and how we should respond?On the issue of immigration, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin" (CCC 2241). Another country, New Zealand, joins an ever growing group of nations changing how they treat trans identifying youths.The United States and Connecticut medical communities continue to promote care that is seen as harmful and lacking in supporting evidence. Serious mental health evaluations before affirming care and puberty blockers is a must, but is not occurring. Maybe it is time to reevaluate our policies. |
October 2024 Newsletter
Election Day, November 5th, is Quickly Approaching. How do the Positions of the Presidential Candidates Compare to Catholic Teaching?In keeping with its mission, the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference (CCPAC) aims to educate and inform Catholics about a wide range of issues. The issues appear here in alphabetical order for informational purposes only and do not represent a complete list of issues that may be of importance to Catholics. The CCPAC neither supports nor opposes any candidate or political party. As the Anniversary of Hama's Attack on Israel Pope calls for October 7 to be day of prayer and fasting for peacePope Francis says that “in this dramatic hour of our history, while the winds of war and the fires of violence continue to devastate entire peoples and nations,” the Christian community is reminded of its call to "put itself at the service of humanity". Hate Crimes Are on the Rise in Our Country Against Jews and Catholics, especially since October 7th.FBI reports 63% rise in hate crimes against Jews last year. New statistics released by the FBI find hate crimes targeting Jews in the United States rose by 63% in 2023. |
August 2024 Newsletter
Message from Christopher Healy, Executive Director, on Title IX RevisionsOn August 1st, the Biden/Harris Administration, ignoring fierce public opposition and numerous legal challenges, allowed a revised Title IX regulation to go into effect. Connecticut Department of Public Health Proposes Changing Abortion Regulations - Catholic Conference in Strong OppositionIn July, the state Department of Public Health (DPH), without proper public notice, proposed revisions to the existing abortion regulations. The 17th Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference will be held on September 21st at Northwest Catholic High School, West Hartford, CT. Spend a day with other Catholic men to renew and learn more about your faith. Tuesday November 5th is Election DayNOVEMBER 5, 2024 - GENERAL ELECTION |
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June 2024 Newsletter
U.S. Department of Education Releases New Regulations For Title IX Concerning Gender-Identity - Which Are Harmful to Girl Sports and Parental/Student Rights Message from Christopher Healy, Executive Director, on Title IX Revisions and more. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT ON DOBBS ANNIVERSARY USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities The 17th Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference will be held on September 21st at Northwest Catholic High School, West Hartford, CT. Spend a day with other Catholic men to renew and learn more about your faith. Make Sure to Register to Vote |
May 2024 Newsletter
Planned Parenthood Gets Fat on $3 million in “Leftovers” Without Debate:
Conference Starts a New Podcast Series: Think Pray VoteLatest episode: Interview with State Sen. Doug McCrory, D-Hartford, on education, opportunity and his experience as a lawmaker.Pride Month is Approaching - But the Disagreement over Gender-Identity Ideology Persists
Pope Francis Released a New Declaration on Human Dignity and Living the Catholic Faith (April 2024) |