November 2023 Newsletter
Posted by CT Catholic Conference 10sc on November 07, 2023
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong Attacks Pro-Life Pregnancy Care Centers in Letter Filled with Untruthful Statements
This was not reported in the mainstream media. They only reported on the META lawsuit.
LET PARENTS PARENT! The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference Joins with Other Organization and Individuals to Support a Parental Rights Bill
- especially when it comes to the health and behavior of our children in school
The Connecticut Catholic Conference’s 2023 Annual Abortion Report
This report covers not only the trending of abortion numbers in Connecticut, but other topics of interest.
Isn't it Time for Real School Choice in Connecticut ?
School choice is a term for education options that allow students and families to select alternatives to public schools. It is the subject of fierce debate in various state legislatures, including Connecticut.
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong Attacks Pro-Life Pregnancy Care Centers in Letter Filled with Untruthful Statements
This was not reported in the mainstream media. They only reported on the META lawsuit.
Sixteen attorneys general signed an open letter two weeks ago condemning crisis pregnancy centers. William Tong and attorneys general from 15 states published the eight-page letter on October 23, accusing crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), which are generally run by pro-life advocates and provide alternatives to abortion, of spreading “misinformation and harm.”
In their letter, 16 AGs defended Yelp, a social media company that is facing a lawsuit from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after allegedly discriminating against crisis pregnancy centers on its website. The letter was full of the common misrepresentative statements used by pro-abortion advocates.
Read the full article here.
LET PARENTS PARENT! The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference Joins with Other Organization and Individuals to Support a Parental Rights Bill - especially when it comes to the health and behavior of our children in school
Read the information below and then contact your legislators now!
Parental involvement is the number one indicator of student success! When it comes to the mental health needs of children, parents and schools need a 2024 bill to "Let Parents Parent!"
In the next week, we need your help to get the ball rolling for a 2024 "Let Parents Parent" bill. Your legislators will be meeting in November to discuss their legislative priorities. This bill needs to be among them. Please take a few minutes to help us reach our goal of hundreds of e-mails sent to legislators as they head to their meetings this month. It will help set the stage for the halt of unchecked gender ideology and protection of Connecticut children and families in 2024. Follow the links below, provided by the Family Institute of Connecticut, to learn more and take action today.
The Connecticut Catholic Conference’s 2023 Annual Abortion Report
This report covers not only the trending of abortion numbers in Connecticut, but other topics of interest. In this report the Conference explores:
Taxpayer Funding of Abortions
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Finances and why they do not need more taxpayer funding
Out-of-state women coming to Connecticut for abortions
Click here to read and print the report
Isn't it Time for Real School Choice in Connecticut ?
School choice is a term for education options that allow students and families to select alternatives to public schools. It is the subject of fierce debate in various state legislatures, including Connecticut. However, true school choice is strongly opposed by political bureaucrats.
The most common type of school choice program in the United States are scholarship tax credit programs. These allow individuals or corporations to receive tax credits toward their state taxes in exchange for donations made to non-profit organizations that grant private school scholarships.
Another step that Connecticut can take is to re-include Catholic schools and private schools into the existing Open Choice network, as they once were before the expansion of magnet schools. Simple, expanded child state tax rebates and credits for education and childcare could ease income barriers to private schools that educate the whole child and do it well.
Past efforts by the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference were met with strong opposition from political bureaucrats and secularists, but it is time for us to reengage our legislators to help families and children achieve their academic and spiritual goals..
Check out the links below to learn about the positive results of school choice.
What the shocking Nation’s Report Card scores reveal about Catholic schools
Wow! Catholic schools outperforming