September 2023 Newsletter

Catholic Medical Association Releases Position Paper on Gender Ideology and Its Harm to Children 

 As you read the position paper remember that the  Connecticut Department of Education encourages schools to affirm a student's expressed gender identity, without informing the student's parents.

Patients Rights Organization Files Federal Lawsuit Against California's Assisted Suicide Law on Behalf of the Disabled

 The Patients Rights Action Fund has launched a groundbreaking federal lawsuit aimed at overturning California's assisted suicide law.


September 2023

Catholic Medical Association Releases Position Paper on Gender Ideology and Its Harm to Children 

 As you read the position paper remember that the  Connecticut Department of Education encourages schools to affirm a student's expressed gender identity, without informing the student's parents. If the parents disagree with the students perceived gender identity the school is to support the student's position.



   At the Catholic Medical Association’s 92nd Annual Educational Conference in Phoenix Arizona, CMA released its anticipated position paper, The Ideology of Gender Harms Children.

  “Reviewing the evidence for purported treatments for gender dysphoria over the past year, we found the American medical establishment speaking from a place of eminence-based medicine rather than evidence-based medicine,” said CMA President Dr. Craig Treptow. “The ideology of gender is causing significant harm to children and adolescents. We speak up again now to prevent further harm to those children..."

   Agreeing with the findings of countries such as Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and France –– once leaders in the gender ideology movement who have now changed course –– CMA believes that this attempt to address surgically and with hormones what should be treated psychiatrically with counseling is not authentic health care.

   Further, CMA rejects the claim that children with gender dysphoria will commit suicide if they are not quickly affirmed and set on the path of sex reassignment. This simplistic assertion is not scientifically supported. 

Read the position paper here.

Patients Rights Organization Files Federal Lawsuit Against California's Assisted Suicide Law on Behalf of the Disabled

   The Patients Rights Action Fund has launched a groundbreaking federal lawsuit aimed at overturning California's assisted suicide law. The lawsuit claims that it violates federal law and discriminants against the disabled.

   Visit their website on the lawsuit for more background information. Or watch this video.


An Invitation to Encounter Christ

In this video Bishop Frank Caggiano of the Bridgeport Diocese beautifully expounds on what it truly means to seek and encounter Christ.


Saturday, September 23, 2023


TimeDoors open 7:30 a.m.  -  ending with Vigil Mass

Click Here for More Information

Speak Out for Life

The Archdiocese of Hartford and the Diocese of Norwich will be participating in the 40 Days for Life program to pray for the end of abortion. Please click on the links below for more information.

Dates: September 27-November 5, 2023

Archdiocese of Hartford

Diocese of Norwich